How Do We Train to Follow Jesus?
Our Mission
Our mission follows Philippians 4:9…
What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—PRACTICE these things, and the God of peace will be with you. (ESV)

Give, Serve, Love, Share
During our 90-minute sessions (Saturdays, 7-8:30 AM), we challenge each other and support each other. The Bible is our playbook, and we focus heavily on God’s guidance through His Word. We are quick to share in each other’s victories while also sharing in one another’s challenges and trials.
Why We Meet
We meet for spiritual growth in Jesus Christ. We open the Bible to learn what was written in the first century and how to apply it in the 21st century. We memorize scripture as this is one of the most powerful tools to fight off Satan and his demons. We meet to encourage one another as there are many lost and hurting men. Sometimes we need encouragement and sometimes God uses us to be the encourager.
Our Beliefs
Practice meets men where they are and feeds them and leads them spiritually.