Frequently Asked Questions
We put together a list of questions (and answers) that frequently come up, with categories ranging from training series to attendance to missions, and more. If you have a question that is not listed, please feel free to submit your question here.
A men’s ministry is a program or group (within a church or separate from a church) that is specifically designed to minister to the needs of men. The ministry should be focused on helping men grow in their faith, develop healthy relationships with other men, and become better leaders in their homes, churches, and communities. At Men’s Practice, we specifically train on how to live out God’s Word. The Bible is our playbook, and we focus heavily on God’s guidance through His Word.
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. –Psalm 118:24
We want to be thankful every day of the week but we’ve used Thankful Thursday to remind men that we should intentionally choose to be grateful and have a joyful heart.
Any male 16 years or older is welcome to attend.
Attend 3 weeks in a row. This will give you a feel for the culture of the room and meet the guys.